Light a home

Lighting homes for better lives

The solar panels program started in 2023 due to the need that some homes, that were lacking electricity, had. With this program, Ride 4 A Woman is providing and installing solar panels, improving the life of these families drastically.

When getting a solar panel, the entire family moves from using a paraffin candle to bulbs, and this is a huge step. Paraffin candles produce a lot of smoke and they light very little, so you need to be very close to the candle to see anything, breathing all the toxic smoke coming out from it.

With the solar panels, the women and their families can properly light their homes at night, charge the family phone, allow children to do their homework without breathing toxic fumes, and more.

Over 50 homes have been lit up with our solar panels since the program started.

Please, contact us if you would like to find out more or donate to this project.