Primary school

Our dream for the community

Horeb Primary School project is the biggest Ride 4 A Woman’s dream. It is both a dream and a necessity for our community, as there are still many children without proper access to education. We believe that there is no better investment than education to make a difference in people’s lives and to continue empowering women.

Ride 4 A Woman program on Child Sponsorship is currently covering the education of over 260 children in different primary and secondary schools of Bwindi. However, there are still many more children not going to school due to lack of economic resources in their homes. Having all these sponsored children in a school directly managed by Ride 4 A Woman would be ideal, because it would require less economic resources per kid. But it is not only about money and resources. We firmly believe that a new type of school is possible. Besides the standard educational curriculum, which is undoubtedly important, there is the need to engage the students differently, so education goes one step forward.

For us, one step forward education means:

  • Diversity and inclusion: no kid without school, including children with mental and physical disabilities.

  • Educate through project management and hands-on skills.

  • Environment and wildlife conservation and sustainability.

  • Digitalization.

  • Educate through love and fun, making school a space of joy.

With these focus points we intend to make the 4.7 target from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (one of the targets of the SDG 4 Quality Education) a reality:

By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.”

Ride 4 a Woman already possesses the land in which it is expected to construct the school. It is a 9900 m2 land located in Buhoma, Bwindi.

The drawings and designs of the buildings are also ready. They were made by Bena Holdings architecture design firm. Please, see the following pages for more information.

The next step is to get the needed investment to start the construction.