Evace Kemigisha

Evace is 44 years old and she lives in Mukongoro.

Evace works in R4W in basket weaving and as a farmer. She lives in her house with her husband and 8 children. Her house is made by mud and sticks, and she constructed it by herself. All their children go to school except the youngest one who has a strange syndrome that does not allow him to walk neither to speak. One of them is sponsored by R4W.

She and her husband have been together for more than 20 years. Before beginning in R4W they only had the small farm they own as an income for the family, and it was not enough for all the maintenance. After joining R4W with her salary she has been able to sustain her family and pay school fees. She is extremely grateful to the opportunity that R4W has given to her.

She is also benefited by solar panels which allow them to have electricity at home, light at night and the possibility to charge their family mobile phone.

In the future, she would like to keep working as she is doing now, be able to buy goats so her husband can also work and keep earning money so she can pay possible treatments for her child.


Provia Rwomushana