Provia Rwomushana

Provia is 61 years old and lives in Rubona.

She works in R4W doing basket weaving since 2017. Before joining the organization, she used to work in the family farm together with her husband.

She studied the first 2 years of primary school. She has 10 children and 30 grandchildren, and for her and her husband, the family is fundamental for their daily lives, and they really enjoy spending time, having lunch and dinner and discussing family problems all together.

Rubona is far from Buhoma and she needs to walk every day 90 minutes to get to R4W.

She received a loan from R4W which has helped her to pay for her children and grandchildren school fees. She can pay back the loan with the money earned with her salary in R4W and the benefits her and her husband obtain by working the land.

She is also benefited with a solar panel that provides her and her family electricity at home. In their farm they have a cow and a goat. The goat was also given by R4W, due to its goat program.

The entire family is very grateful to the organization for all the support and opportunities they have given to her.


Evace Kemigisha


Grace Kyimpeirwe