Grace Kyimpeirwe

Grace is 58 years old and lives in Kanyamisinga.

Grace works in both R4W sewing program and as a farmer in her land. She is one of the 16 first women who joined R4W when it was founded. She studied primary and secondary school.

She has four children although nowadays she lives alone because her two older sons are married and working in Kampala and Kasese, her third son is studying electric engineering and her daughter is in a secondary boarding school. She is a single mother.

She says that, before working in R4W, she was jobless and didn’t have many friends. R4W provided her with a job, a salary and the opportunity to have many friends with whom she feels very attached to. Moreover, she is also benefiting from solar program and a loan that is helping her to pay the university fee of his son. Nowadays, she owns a sewing machine at her house that allows her to produce her own clothes. She feels very grateful to R4W for all these.

Grace is planning to build a bigger and better kitchen next to her house that will allow her to storage more food and cook more comfortably.

Her desire and advise for R4W is to keep expanding, empowering more women and benefit them like R4W did with her.


Provia Rwomushana


Happiness Bakundana